Overseas Marriage dialog
If preparing your own homestead for heavy traffic wasn't already enough, Zynga has added a new series of Goals to FrontierVille called "Overseas Marriage." In these five goals, your distant aunt asks you to make some serious preparations for a relative who happens to be tying the knot across the way in the old country.
There are lots of rewards to be won and XP to gain, so join us after the break for a full guide on these new goals.
Overseas Marriage, Part 1 of 5
Just looking at the first requirement of Part I should raise a red flag: you need to have completed the original marriage goals in order to attempt these new goals. Crafting Presents requires the General Store as a work bench as well as 2 Ribbon and 5 Cloth for each present. You can get cloth naturally through doing favors for your friends, but will have to visit quite a lot of friends to both make 10 Presents and have 60 Cloth--which comes to 110 Cloth, to be exact. Completing this goal will net you 150 XP and one random General Store Collection item.
Overseas Marriage Part II
Part II requires even more Cloth to finish, so it's back to visiting your friends and doing more favors. Can you tell these goals weren't designed to be completed in a day's time? We suggest just making the Clothes in the cabin first as they'll be used in making the Fancy Clothing in the General Store. You'll also need Ribbon, so remember to ask your friends for a lot of it. One random Cabin Collection item and 200 coins is your reward for finishing this goal.
Overseas Marriage Part III
It's time to get your cook on in Part III. The best way to amass food is to through everyday activities, but visiting your friends and helping them out in tending to animals and harvesting crops will certainly speed up the process. The rest of this goal is pretty simple: just use the food and coins to make Batter in the Inn and ask your friends to gift you the 10 Lard. Finishing this goal scores you one Dinner.
Overseas Marriage Part IV
This goal is a piece of you-know-what, requiring you to just use the Batter from the last goal coupled with quite a lot of Fire, which can be made in the Wagon with 7 Wood and 5 Cloth a piece. All the while, harvest 10 Potatoes and you'll soon enough grab 500 coins and one Inn Collection item.
Overseas Marriage Part V
It looks like your distant relative is jumping the gun a bit in Part V, asking for a Bed and Baby Clothes. The Bed calls for one Furnishing and two Comforters to be crafted on the Sawmill. Here's the logical progression that will get you to your grand Feather Bed gift:
5 Planks: 7 Wood and 250 coins each in the Covered Wagon
4 Sawhorses: 5 Planks and 2 Tools each in the Barn
1 Furnishing: 4 Sawhorses and 4 Tools on the Sawmill
But that's not all! You also need two Comforters, which are made from 15 Cloth and one Downy Feather a piece in the Chicken Coop. Combining both the Furnishings and the Comforters will finally make your bed. In the meantime, remember to ask your friends for the baby Clothes. Completing this goal is to complete the mission and win two Boiled Shoes (Living on the frontier sure must have been fun...) and a whopping 500 XP.
It's been a while since we've seen a series of goals use just about every crafting building in the game, so this is a refreshing challenge. Good luck on your quest to wish your distant relatives the best wedding they've ever seen.
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