The Sims Social has struck a new advertising deal with Wendy's and, like it or not, you'll probably participate in it. Why? In exchange for watching a brief ad for the new Wendy's W (the chain's new $2.99 monster burger with two patties, double cheese and a butter-slathered bun), you'll be rewarded with a virtual burger that will give your character a +3 energy boost.
sims social wendy's
In the larger scheme of things, a three-point energy boost isn't that big of a reward. In fact, it might be considered stingy. But you'll watch the Wendy's ad anyway because you're getting something for free. Why? The same reason people (maybe even you) jump up when someone announces that there are leftover sandwiches in the office kitchenette. No matter how stale they are, they're free! And free is awesome. And something free in a game that you like to play is twice as awesome. There's also something that makes in-game ads like this seem less insidious if you're rewarded something, anything for your time.
wendys the sims social w
So head to The Sims Social game on Facebook, and look for the Wendy's "Watch and Earn" ad sitting right below the game. Click it and get your free +3 energy. C'mon, you know you wanna.
Fess up: Did you watch the Wendy's ad for the free energy?
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